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Dr. Scott Postma

Dr. Scott Postma

about the teacher

Dr. Postma is the president and CEO of Kepler Education. He teaches dual enrollment courses for Kepler in collaboration with Faulkner University and Colorado Christian University. For the past decade, he has lived in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and family. Inspired by the classical and Christian imagination, his passion is to help students obtain a Christian liberal arts education.

Dr. Postma formerly served as a minister for 20 years and has served, concurrently, as an educator for nearly 30 years. In the course of his ministry, he helped plant two churches and found two private Christian schools. He earned degrees in the humanities with an emphasis in literature (Ph.D., Faulkner University), classical and Christian studies (M.A.C.C.S., Knox Theological Seminary), religion and English literature (B.S., Liberty University), theology (M.A., B.A., Salt Lake Baptist College), and creative writing (A.A., College of Southern Nevada).

Teaching Philosophy

Dr. Postma: I believe the gospel is central to education and the two cannot be separated without compromising human flourishing or diminishing culture. Ultimately, the parents have been given the biblical mandate to bring up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and are, therefore, expected to take primary responsibility …

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On Education: A Review
On Education by Abraham Kuyper, edited by Wendy Naylor, Harry Van Dyke, Jordan J. Ballor, and Melvin Flikkema. Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology.
An Admonishing Angel for the Modern World
Shield Wall: A Journal of Theological Poetics 1, no. 3 (Chalcedon 2016):13-30.


Faulkner University - 2023
Humanities w/ concentration in Literature
Knox Theological Seminary - 2015
Christianity and Classics
Liberty University - 2013
Interdisciplinary Studies w/cognates in Religion and Literature
College of Southern Nevada - 2011
Creative Writing
B.A., M.A.
Theology - 2003
Salt Lake Baptist College
A.S. Certificate
Avionic Electronics - 1990
Community College of the Air Force