Whether you are new to Classical Christian Education or new to Kepler, this page is your virtual tour guide. Here you can find everything you will need to learn about the Kepler marketplace, join the Kepler community, and find the appropriate courses to provide your children (or yourself) with a robust Classical Christian Education that will prepare them to honor God, live well, and do good work in our complex and fallen world.

Whether choosing from Kepler's more than 100 courses à la carte or joining the Kepler Diploma track makes better sense for your family, a myriad of choices are available to help you achieve your child's educational goals.
Parents can SEARCH COURSES by subject, teacher, grade, or term.
Or, you can schedule a free consultation with our Academic Advisor to learn more about your options.
Explore additional ways Kepler can serve your family's educational needs:
See our higher education page where you can learn about dual enrollment options
Plan your academic year with Kepler's academic calendar
Commission a class for your children, your homeschool co-op, or your Classical Christian school
Explore adult learning and Teacher Certification options
Need help with transcripts? Our registrar can help
Don't forget about Kepler Life, where students enrolled in Kepler courses are able to connect with each other through teacher-mentored services, clubs, and professional development activities.

Classical Christian Education is the historic liberal arts tradition which cultivates free human beings and stands in opposition to the modern progressivists’ pedagogy designed to train compliant citizens who serve as consumers and cogs in an industrialized State.
At Kepler, we take the position that a truly Classical Christian Education is one that strives to glean the best of Western liberal arts education in every epoch. For this reason, Kepler teachers strive to foster conversation and dialogue in the true spirit of the academy where the free exchange of ideas offered respectfully and in good taste are welcome and put forth for the students' consideration and contemplation.
Learn more about Classical Christian Education.

In short, instead of offering families another online school which limits their educational agency, Kepler offers families a way to connect with great classical Christian teachers so they can choose the best available options for their child.
The longer version is Kepler combines the firm biblical conviction that parents are the primary educators (Ephesian 6:4) with a strong desire to equip and support parents in their God-ordained task. Therefore, Kepler exists to make a Classical Christian Education available, affordable, and accessible to everyone who wants to possess such an education.
What is called Classical Christian Education today used to be called a liberal arts education. But like many words in a dynamic language, liberal arts education doesn't mean what it used to. A historic liberal arts education was the education of the free man, one who both ruled himself well but also influenced and ruled society well (thus, liberal from the Latin liberalis meaning free). Kepler makes what was once considered an elite education available to everyone who wants the liberating education of a free person.
Given that Kepler is an online platform—a consortium of independent highly-qualified teachers—and not a school, the Kepler model removes the bureaucracy and administrative costs and brings committed Classical Christian educators and families together. Kepler ensures Classical Christian Education is affordable by employing marketplace dynamics. At Kepler, vetted and qualified teachers set their own prices and schedules, and parents choose the right teachers and courses for their children. Kepler is, in essence, a free-market platform for Classical Christian Education.
Kepler leverages the best available technology to provide a teaching platform and community that attracts the best teachers in their field; thereby, Kepler makes Classical Christian Education not only available and affordable, but also accessible. Any student with a reliable internet connection and well-functioning computer can access some of the best classical Christian educators in the world from anywhere in the world.
Learn more about our philosophy of education from our short film, "We've Been Schooled!"

Kepler uses a “flipped classroom” or “university model” approach, where students read assigned material, watch pre-recorded lectures, and complete written assignments asynchronously throughout the week. The class then meets with their instructor online for about 90 minutes once per week to have Socratic dialogues or recitations. Students actually spend less time in the classroom or in front of a computer screen and more time actually learning from the great tutors like Plato, Aristotle, Edmund Burke, and C. S. Lewis.

All Kepler teachers are vetted by way of written and verbal interviews, third-party criminal background checks, and when necessary, by transcript and teaching experience reviews. We ensure every teacher on the Kepler platform is qualified to teach and ascribes to the Christian faith, classical pedagogy, and maintains a conservative worldview.
Mere Christian
Kepler teachers embrace those essential, common, and core beliefs left by Christ and the Apostles to the church catholic, the body of Jesus Christ on Earth, held through the ages by all orthodox Christian traditions alike. All Kepler teachers affirm the Nicene Creed as a minimum statement of their faith. Specific details of each teacher's statement of faith can be found on his or her teacher profile.
Broadly Classical
While it must be recognized that this great tradition of Classical Christian Education is mildly dynamic, developing over more than two millennia of Western civilization and expresses itself under a fairly broad tent of thought, Kepler teachers share a commitment to the Great Books of the Western tradition and engage students in the pursuit and acquisition of the liberal arts, that knowledge which is pleasurable for its own sake, and which frees the mind and prepares the soul to be wise and virtuous.
Historically Conservative
Kepler teachers recognize, value, and delight in the permanent things and believe the necessary and healthy pursuit of cultural reformation must accord with the contours of Scripture, natural law, and the created order. Kepler teachers strive to cultivate the same in their students.

Kepler is inspired by the early modern scholar, Johannes Kepler, widely known for his commitment to Christ, the liberal arts, and the advancement of science in the West. While modern education argues over the value of STEM vs. Liberal Arts, men like Kepler embraced and advanced the integration of knowledge as essential to being an educated person. As Kepler seeks to champion this same integrated approach to learning, Johannes Kepler accurately exemplifies the courageous, innovative, and robust intellectual approach to education and human flourishing needed in the modern age. We are humbly attempting to cultivate such a spirit within Kepler's academic consortium.

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