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Dr. Karla Memmott

Dr. Karla Memmott

about the teacher

Dr. Karla Memmott is a long-time resident of the Sacramento, California area where she lives with her husband, Kyle. She home-schooled her children and continues to support homeschooling parents by teaching online and in-person courses. She and her husband are founders of Acacia Classical Academy, which is a hybrid program supporting homeschooling families in her local area. home-schooled her children.

Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy intentionally focuses on the development of a student’s mind and soul as a human being. My responsibility as a teacher is to interactively guide the student to through literary works which encourage the student toward mature and reasonable thought. Teaching and learning are established based on a relationship mutual respect whereupon the student and I actively work together toward a common goal of student success.

I believe that students gain ownership of their respective educational experience by reading participating in interpretive discussions about original source material. Learning becomes a community event within the venue of active Socratic discussion.

Statement of Faith

I believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, who came to earth to interact with and redeem His creation. This act of redemption was necessary due to the fallen, sinful nature of humanity which is the result of the disobedience of our original parents - Adam and Eve. Through the death, burial and resurrection Jesus demonstrates that God is a just, but loving God who seeks restoration and relationship with His people. The invitation is extended to all people. The Church has the privilege and responsibility of introducing people to Jesus by sharing the Gospel with grace, love, and truth. Whereas the Church has the duty to share the invitation of the Gospel, only the Holy Spirit can convict any person. I believe that the triune nature of God is a beautiful mystery that is not fully comprehensible to humankind but is nonetheless experienced by one who walks with God in truth and wisdom.

I believe in the unity but diversity of the Church. The unity is based on the core essentials of the Gospel which transcends culture and race. Subsequently the Church unity provides strong testimony in a very divided modern culture.

I believe that humans are called to worship the Lord with body, mind, and soul. When the body, mind and soul actively seek and participate in truth, beauty, and goodness genuine worship takes place. I believe that a challenged and engaged mind is a necessary part of worship.

I belong to a local church where I teach and participate in adult Bible study courses.

Video Introduction

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Sacramento Christian Organization of Parent Educators, 2012- 2013


Faulkner University - 2022
Capella University - 2013
Education Psychology
CSU Sacramento - 1992
Social Science