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Isaiah Nixon

Isaiah Nixon

about the teacher

Isaiah Nixon was born and raised into Classical education and was schooled from an yearly age, being home-schooled in Classical programs and graduating from a classical high school, he has spent his life engaging with classical education as both a student and a teacher. Isaiah was born in California, but moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico to finish his high school years. With an interest in philosophy he pursued a Bachelor's degree from the University of New Mexico, but found himself being lost in the philosophical clouds of thought. Needing both literal and figurative grounding, he turned to the study of geography, where he found that geography was the culmination and synthesis of classical education, ultimately earning a Masters of Science in Geography.

Isaiah has worked in public schools and private schools, as well as has worked one on one with students training them in cognitive development. He most recently has found himself the Director of the Rhetoric School at Oak Grove Classical Academy, in Albuquerque, NM where he has taught 5th-12th grade over the past 5 years, teaching nearly all subject areas from the sciences to the humanities.

Outside of academia, Isaiah is an active musician, playing various instruments, is engaged in woodworking and birding activities on a regular basis and enjoys a good discussion of Star Wars and Star Trek. Ultimately, Isaiah brings passion and fervor to the classroom, hoping to inspire a love of learning within his students so that they might impact their community.

Teaching Philosophy

Education. You may cringe or smile at the sound of that word. It may be something you love, but it also may be something that you feel mom and dad make you do for no good reason. You have a choice, you may begrudgingly become a mental repository (a bucket) for information or you may become an active participant in discovery and a leader in virtue and skill.

Education is meant to inspire, create passion, motivate service, and instill a love and joy of learning within the yourself. As an educator, it is my job to lead by example, showing what each of these tenets look like. I am an active and co-learner with my students. It is of utmost importance that students, no matter the subject, become a part of the study and understand that all subjects are interconnected. In history, literature, or science, we often study old dead guys. But, what value do they have to us today? We must recognize that the subjects we study and the people we read are alive today, and in many ways even more so than before. You are a part of all that you study. My job is to show you how!

Through class discussions, intentional projects, and experiential learning, this can be accomplished. I seek to create active, engaged, and joyful learners who are filled with passion, argue and communicate well, look at all sides of an issue, and ultimately utilize what they know and can do to impact and engage their community in meaningful ways, never-ceasing to pursue Truth.

Statement of Faith

In accordance to historic Christianity, I affirm and adhere to both the Nicene Creed and the Apostle’s Creed. I am convicted strongly by the call to serve and to pursue God Almighty; education being only but one of the manifold ways to do so, yet the one that I have been called to. I recognize that Paul pleaded with the Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians to bridge a seemingly insurmountable chasm, I pursue and pray for unity within the Church. Yet, we look to and eagerly await the coming of Christ. While we do, I seek to become his imitator, a leader of youth toward this end. I, a great sinner, having been saved by God the Father through Jesus Christ, anticipating Christ’s return have but one chief aim: to love God and love man. My family and I currently attend Refuge Church, an Evangelical Free church in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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