K kepler-title

The World of Maps (Half-year)

The World of Maps
This class is currently archived, but if you're interested in it being taught again, you can express your interest here!
01/18/2021 - 05/14/2021
Spring Semester
0.50 credits in Sciences
Grade 12

Taught by:

About the course

Here Be Dragons! Have you ever looked at a map and seen an image of a dragon on the edge? Dragons were placed on the edge of the world, displaying the unknown. Tread softly, for if you take a wrong turn, the terrors of the sea may be following close behind!

Cartography, the art of map-making, has been in existence since the beginning of time. Humans have charted, in many forms, the places that they inhabit, trying to place themselves in the world. However, maps are not always as they seem! They have a complex history and an active present. In semester 1 of this course, you will learn the history of mapmaking, study the impact of maps upon human history, learn methods of map-making, and will begin to learn how to make your own maps. This course will prepare you for Part II which will then dive into modern GIS and teach you how to use computer software to create and analyze maps. The skill of using GIS is a burgeoning field of study and is an actively sought after skill in many vocations. City planning, tech companies, natural resource management, etc. all desire GIS skills.

This class is offered for all grade levels. With this in mind, assignments will be appropriately leveled and catered to each age group. The history and foundations are much the same for all, but the applications in mapping and map critique will vary significantly per student's prior knowledge and cognitive abilities within each grade level. Please be sure to sign up for the correct section.

Course Objectives:

  1. To analyze and evaluate the argumentation and power of maps.
  2. To practice using basic mapping techniques.
  3. To recognize the significance of historical mapping and modern mapping skills.
  4. To create functional maps that tell stories and relay information.

Course Format:

Cartography I will include two different types of instruction: Labs, and Discussion. Over the course of 2 week increments, you will engage in each type of instruction. As the early foundations of cartography are largely skills based, during lab time, there will be direct instruction used to deliver key information. Upon a basic understanding of key info, students will be able to actively “do”, creating and analyzing maps on their own. From here, we will engage in well-informed socratic discussions and map critique. This component is a unique aspect of the course, as many cartography courses center upon the “what” and rarely engage in discussions on the “why’s”.

The guiding principles of the course will be the the 7 syntopical steps of learning:

  • Pre-Learning Reflection: Open ended discussion questions to prepare the mind
  • Syntopical Learning Great Idea: Didactic instruction centered on key topics
  • Core Text Readings: Classic Texts of the discipline or modern academic articles
  • Personal Research: Online research, labs or application activity
  • Project Based Learning: Socratic Discussion or Essay Assignment
  • Post-Learning Reflection
  • Suggestions for Further Learning

The course will follow these steps and integrate labs and discussion each week. Along with reading materials, students can expect supplemental audio or videos to accompany class work. A large portion of this course is centered on mapping projects and students can expect to spend time outside of class working on the labs and projects.

Cartography is a grade-integrated course with students 9th-12th grade allowed to enroll. To accommodate students, course assignments and materials will be appropriately leveled per each individual student's grade level and will be clearly communicated in the course syllabus.


  • Selections from, “Rethinking the Power of Maps”, by Denis Wood (PDF selections provided by instructor). Physical Copy Optional: ISBN-13: 978-1593853662; ISBN-10: 159385366
  • Selections from “Geographia”, by Ptolemy (PDF selections provided by instructor).
  • Additional electronic materials and resources will be provided by the instructor during the year.

**You will also need to have access to a computer with capabilities to run Google Maps and Google Earth.

About the teacher

Joffre Swait Joffre is married to Kimberly and has five children he is pleased with. He loves the Word, especially the Verb. He has been an independent teacher for nearly twenty years.