Marine Biology
About the course
Have you ever seen the ocean? In His will, God made our planet 70% covered by it. An infinite horizon of water, that once was thought to end at an abyss to the void, whose depth was beyond human understanding for so long, and whose storms frightened the most brave sailors that sailed its waters, looking for lands and riches. From the ages of the great navigation to the submarines and satellites, mankind has discovered a lot about the oceans, and the more we discover, more we are convinced that our lives are directly influenced by it. The climate is influenced by the interaface ocean / atmosphere, industrial fisheries feed the world, wars are decided at sea battles. The study of the oceans has never been so important as it is today.
Many aspects can be considered while studying the ocean. During this year we will have a general comprehension of the ocean’s physics, chemistry and geology in order to prepare our students to study life at it. Starting from the elements that allow life on the ocean, our Marine Biology course will give the students the opportunity to know the diversity of life in the ocean, from the sunny sand beaches to the deep water creatures that will never see light, understanding the challenges of the many different saltwater habitats and the different tools God provided His creatures to overcome them.
The students will also be encouraged and guided to discuss and understand the ecological and ethical questions about ocean resources exploration. As wardens and dominators of creation, humans have the obligation to watch over the health of our oceans, but also the power to rapaciously explore its resources with no care to preservation and sustainability. A biblical view of Marine Biology will lead us to respectfully explore it to the glory of God, in the fear of His name, because “The sea is His, for it was He who made it, and His hands formed the dry land.” (Psalm 95:5).
***Please note: This course is designed to teach Marine Biology to students with a basic Biology knowledge (any course of high school level Biology from any institution is sufficient).
Course Objectives
- Comprehend the physical, chemical and geological features of the ocean
- Understand how light influences the distribution of marine life
- Know the main representatives of the Monera, Protist, Fungi and Plantae kingdoms
- Explore the diversity of life of invertebrates and vertebrates living at the oceans
- Apply the ecological concepts to the oceans dynamics
- Explore the different marine ecosystems
- Discuss the utilization and preservation of marine resources
- Exploring Creation with Marine Biology (Apologia)
About the teacher