K kepler-title

Biblical Hebrew I

Biblical Hebrew I
This class is currently archived, but if you're interested in it being taught again, you can express your interest here!
08/22/2022 - 05/12/2023
Full Year
1.00 credits in Languages
Grades 10-Lifelong Learning

Taught by:

About the course

Have you ever wished that you could read the Bible in the original language? Then here is a great place to start. By the end of the year, you will be able to read and comprehend a large portion of the Book of Ruth in the original Hebrew.

So how is that possible? Biblical Hebrew is a daunting language, for many reasons, but partly because it has been relegated to the world of academia and scholarly elites for centuries. But now, thanks to Aleph with Beth, there is a new wonderful curriculum that is high quality, professional, academic, and also free. And best of all, even a child can begin learning Hebrew this way (my four-year old wants to learn Hebrew). You can check out their videos for yourself.

What do you need a teacher for? Our classes will provide extra exercises, tests, and accountability to help you reach your language learning goals. We will also use stories, readings, and grammar from The First Hebrew Primer, which provides lots of simple Hebrew exercises and stories to prepare you for reading the Bible. I use a multiple range of methods in teaching, including speaking, hearing, reading, writing, and translating. It is best to learn a language by approaching it from all these different angles.

This class starts from ground zero and will help you if you are a novice at languages or a polyglot. Learning a language takes a lot of work and time, but with the proper tools, your time is well spent and the reward is well worth it.

Course Objectives:

  1. Read the Hebrew Alphabet
  2. Learn common Biblical Hebrew vocabulary words and the basics of Hebrew grammar
  3. Speak simple Hebrew sentences
  4. Compose simple Hebrew sentences
  5. Translate simple Hebrew prose from the book of Ruth


About the teacher

Ryan Handermann Ryan Handerman has taught Latin for 10 years, has developed his own Latin courses, and done translation work for Faithlife Corporation. He is also the founder of the National Latin Reading Competition. He lives in Moscow, ID with his wife and children.