Virtue Through Film: Harry Potter
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About the course
Virtue Through Film is an eight-week course that uses film as an anchor for discussing the place and importance of the seven virtues in contemporary society. This edition of Virtue Through Film will specifically use the Harry Potter film series to delve into the place and importance of virtue. By focusing on elements like cinematography, plot development, inflective choices of actors, etc., Virtue Through Film guides students to see how the virtues, or a specific virtue, is defined and developed within a film. In this focus, the student is supplied with an example of virtue in action—the student is shown the place and importance of virtue in the film. Via this example, the student will discuss and learn the place and importance of virtue in their own life.
In this eight-week course students will meet via web conference weekly for a single sixty-minute recitation to discuss weekly viewings and readings. There will be eight conferences; the student is required to attend at least seven. Each week, the student will be assigned readings, related discussion questions, and a pre-recorded lecture and/or notes which will be discussed in the weekly discussion board forum—students are required to make original posts and replies. The teacher will provide appropriate guidelines to discuss; however, students will be encouraged to think and speak freely in regards to assigned readings. Students must participate in discussion board forums—this is the minor grade for the class. Lastly, the student will be required to complete a portfolio. This portfolio will consist of four original discussion board posts (100 – 200 words each), four discussion board replies (100 – 200 words each), one film review (400 – 500 words), and one research paper/character analysis (800 – 1,200 words). The portfolio will be the major grade.
Course Objectives:
- To strengthen the student’s ability and desire to exercise virtue.
- To enhance the student’s understanding of virtue’s place and importance in their life.
- To aid the student in articulating virtue as the foundation for happiness (the good life).
- To reveal how film can be used to convey philosophy.
- Harry Potter movie series
- Back to Virtue by Peter Kreeft
Course Files
About the teacher