K kepler-title

Astronomy and the Crossroads of Science and Faith

Astronomy and the Crossroads of Science and Faith
This class is currently archived, but if you're interested in it being taught again, you can express your interest here!
08/19/2024 - 05/09/2025
Full Year
1.00 credits in Sciences
Grades 11-12

Taught by:

About the course

The course will present an overview of astronomy including topics such as history, the night sky, the sun, planets, asteroids, comets, exoplanets, stars, black holes, our galaxy, the large-scale structure of the universe, cosmology, and a universe fine-tuned for life.

Besides teaching astronomy, this course will also equip students to defend their faith with sound reasoning and confidence in a secular environment and to engage in thoughtful discourse related to contemporary scientific discoveries. It will teach discernment about philosophical agendas and provide the tools that will help students better relate and integrate what they believe by faith to what they learn about science.

The course will also strengthen their faith by introducing them to the fine-tuning of the constants of physics, which is widely regarded as the most persuasive current argument for the existence of a Grand Designer for the universe.

Can science and Christian faith be reconciled? How do we relate astronomical discoveries of our century to the Christian worldview and Scriptures? What is the evidence that points to a beginning for our universe? What are the limits of science? Does science unveil fingerprints of a Superintelligence behind the cosmic blueprint? These are some of the questions we plan to address.

Note: While teaching astronomy, rigorous science will be presented according to the scientific community (an old earth/universe perspective). Concerning Genesis interpretation, there is a diversity of views among Christians who are committed to the authority of Scriptures. The course instructor will emphasize that this is a secondary issue that should not divide Christians. Students will be encouraged to investigate the different ways in which different denominations interpret Genesis before deciding which one to hold. Instructor will encourage gracious dialogue and respect among different views.

Prerequisite: Algebra I

Course Objectives

  • Learn about the history of science and identify the lessons that can be learned from the past.
  • Comprehend the motions observed in the night sky.
  • Acquire knowledge about the solar system: our star, the planets, and small bodies. Understand the many requirements that make a terrestrial planet habitable for complex life.
  • Learn about stars: their formation, their lives, and deaths (red giants, supernovae, white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes).
  • Investigate our Milky Way Galaxy and the large scale structure of the universe.
  • Inspire a sense of awe, wonder and worship as students explore the vastness of space in this mind-boggling universe.
  • Explore the evidence for a beginning for our universe and discuss science and faith issues related to modern cosmology.
  • Learn about exoplanets and discuss the possibilities of extraterrestrial life.
  • Understand how our universe is fine tuned for life and be able to discuss and engage in thoughtful dialogue about it.
  • Explore different worldviews (scientism, theism, naturalism, relativism, reductionism, agnosticism, deism, atheism, pantheism, humanism), and learn to discern between worldviews and scientific information. Students will also learn to identify unethical behavior and misuse of science.
  • Understand the realms of science and faith, the scientific method, its applicability and limitations. Discuss the search for truth from both a scientific and theological standpoint.
  • Learn and discuss the four models on the relationship between science and faith: conflict, independence, dialogue and integration. Students will be encouraged toward dialogue and some degree of integration.
  • Explore tools on making sound arguments and apply them in group discussions.
  • Inspire students with role models, interviews with top level professional astronomers who are believers.


The Crossroads of Science and Faith: Astronomy Through a Christian Worldview

About the teacher

Gladys Kober Gladys Kober has a master’s degree in Extragalactic Astrophysics from Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She currently works as a data analyst and image processor at GSFC/NASA.