Vanessa Priestner
about the teacher
Vanessa is the wife of a diehard Cowboys fan and the mother of three young men who watch their father’s Super Bowl dream die each December, only to see it rise from the ashes with the coming of fall. While her husband watches football, Vanessa watches classical education webinars, plays with her dogs, relishes the feel of a paperback in her hand, and enjoys a taste of the four seasons in Northwest Arkansas. From the beginning, she homeschooled her boys with the intent of guiding them to love the Lord and the many stories that reflect His truth. Each boy has received books to begin his own family library. Her two oldest will have graduated from college, married their fiancées, and brought the books to their new homes before the Cowboys return to the field in September. These joyous events, along with the companionship of their high school son, should help her husband’s heart heal in time for next season’s woes.
Fall means football, but it also signals the beginning of a new school year. This has always excited Vanessa. Over the last two decades, she has taught several types of classes in homeschool co-op and tutorial settings. While educating …