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Suzanne Laskey

Suzanne Laskey

about the teacher

Suzanne has been a teacher for over 25 years. She was classical dance instructor for over 17 years and joined the classical Christian renewal 8 years ago. Suzanne has enjoyed being a substitute teacher for a private classical school and helped begin the classical christian homeschool hybrid, Ordo Amoris Classical. At Ordo Amoris Classical, she assumed the position of Board Secretary and was blessed as a teacher of literature, bible, Lost Tools of Writing I, II, and III, Omnibus, math, and science, online and in person. In the spring of 2023, Suzanne graduated as a Master Teacher of Rhetoric from the CiRCE Institute Apprenticeship Program. Her greatest aspiration is to instill in children a love of learning and educate them to be thoughtful adults of Godly character and virtue who wish to serve Christ alone. Currently, Suzanne is a homeschool mother and online instructor for the CiRCE Institute. She resides on her homestead, Deep Roots Farm, in Cedar, Michigan with her husband and her two sons.

Teaching Philosophy

Our Holy Father instructed us using His creation and His word. His creation consists of all things not made by human hands. His inspired and written word consists of rules, wisdom, stories, and history. Through these, bonded with patient love, diligence, and sacrifice, He inspires us to seek after Him. As one who has been entrusted with the education of God’s most precious creation, I am called to emulate Him. Through wonder, example, stories, great books, and His wisdom and guidance, I seek to instill in my students a love of learning and provide them a safe haven in which they will grow in their purpose to be thoughtful adults of godly character and virtue and wish to serve Christ alone.

Statement of Faith

I, Suzanne Laskey, believe that we serve an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent triune God made of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. I believe man, Adam and Eve, was tempted in the Garden of Eden and fell out of communion with God. Through His mercy and grace for His greatest creation, man, He sent His Son, Jesus, to be born a human babe from the virgin Mary, and live a sinless human life, though fully God and fully man. He was crucified under Pontius Pilot and rose again on the third day so we might be redeemed and, through confession and repentance, have the opportunity to live forgiven with the promise of salvation. I believe the triune God is Truth. Through His creation and infallible scriptures, He is knowable and desires to be so.

I attend Eden Bible Church in Benzie, Michigan. My Christian traditions reside in the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Holy Scriptures.

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Award for service in Moral, Welfare, and Recreation as a personal trainer for KBR, Al Taqaddum Iraq, 2005.


Master Teacher of Rhetoric
CiRCE Institute - 2023
CiRCE Apprenticeship Program