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Renee Janzen

Renee Janzen

about the teacher

Renee Janzen has had a full and diverse professional life through which she has acquired skills and experiences that have prepared and propelled her through 30 years of teaching. For the past 10 years, she enjoyed teaching integrated humanities to middle and high school students in a classical Christian school. It was in this capacity that she wrote an integrated Christian curriculum for three middle school grades, a preparatory study guide for the college entrance tests, and several Bible study guides for middle and high school.

During the preceding two decades, Ms. Janzen raised and successfully home educated her own four children. She distinguished herself as a leader in local home education, and her children distinguished themselves as academic scholars.

Her earlier education includes a law degree from The University of Tulsa School of Law. Later, as a legal clerk for the Oklahoma State Court of Appeals, she researched, wrote, and edited legal opinions, some of which are memorialized in the Oklahoma Court Reports. This experience deepened her research skills in public speaking. Ms. Janzen was later employed by a major litigation firm. This employment advanced her competence in public elocution and continued to refine her research and writing skills. Prior to attending law schools, she earned her bachelor's degree in social work from Indiana University and subsequently worked with teens and adolescents.

Teaching Philosophy

Above all else, teaching is a ministry and an opportunity to show Christ to the next generation. His ways and His Word are part of the fabric of every academic subject. Subjects are learned best when they are connected, or integrated, and not separated by literal or figurative walls. Teaching is also about engaging the student: in relationship; in discovering, directing, and articulating their thoughts and ideas; and in understanding complicated facts and concepts by breaking them down into small and palpable parts. Teaching is helping the student pour into their minds and hearts what is good and true.

Statement of Faith

I have been a Christian for nearly 40 years. The Apostles' Creeds accurately state what I believe. In addition, I believe the Bible is God's inerrant word. Currently, I attend a non-denominational church.

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Purple Chalkboard ACT Prep Guide
by Renee Janzen
A Proven Method to Raise Your ACT Score
Finishing the Race
How to Apply to, Receive Acceptance From, and Pay for College
by Renee Janzen
Acceptable Gifts
Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts
A non-denominational, inductive Bible study created to guide high school students toward following their gifts into college and career llife.


Univeristy of Tulsa, School of Law - 1983
Doctorate of Juris Prudence
Indiana University - 1979
Social Work