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Gladys Kober

Gladys Kober

about the teacher

Gladys Kober has a master’s degree in Extragalactic Astrophysics from Observatório Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She currently works as a data analyst and image processor at GSFC/NASA. Her tasks at NASA include producing color composite images from the Hubble Space Telescope for press release.

She also works as adjunct faculty at Montgomery College where she teaches Astronomy 101.

She was born in Brazil, lived 3 years in Chile and has been living in the USA since 1999. In 2015, together with other professional astronomers who are believers, she published a high school textbook to teach astronomy and introduce students to the science & faith dialogue. The curriculum includes many interviews with Christian professional astronomers that we hope will inspire the next generation.

Teaching Philosophy

Research shows that young adults are leaving the church at alarming rates and confusion between science and faith plays an important role in this unfortunate abandonment of faith. I want to make a difference and contribute to change these statistics. I believe that a classroom should be a safe place to ask difficult questions as we navigate the crossroads of science and faith. I like to encourage students to search for truth in every area. I want them to understand that Christians have nothing to fear concerning recent advances in science but should always be prepared to give a sound answer in defense of their faith.

I have a passion for sharing with students about the fingerprints of God in the universe that science unveils. My goal is to equip them to face the secular world with confidence by engaging in thoughtful dialogue.

Statement of Faith

I grew up going to church and became a Christian very early in life. During my college years, while pursuing a career in Astronomy I had a deep existential crisis and started to question my faith.

Being aware of the amazing wisdom and ingenuity that underlies the laws of physics, I would never choose atheism. I knew there was a Creator, a great Architect for this universe and I knew He was very POWERFUL. However, for 2 long years, I wasn’t sure about the identity of the Designer of the universe. If He was an impersonal deity, force or someone I could have a relationship with.

The God of Christianity was everything I would like to exist: a God that forgives, loves, calls you by name and shows amazing grace. But at the time there was a disconnect between these two Gods: One, the Creator of the universe that I knew existed and was extremely powerful. The other, the God of Christianity, that I would like to exist but wasn’t sure. At the time I could not see the power of God in my own life, so I kept searching and asking questions.

The church I was attending in Rio at the time had a ministry with the homeless. In this ministry I observed deep life transformations. I saw the power of Jesus to restore and change lives rescuing people from addiction, violence, crime, abandonment.

Not only Jesus’ power convinced me, but I also realized the love and forgiveness offered by Jesus was too generous to be a story invented by humans. Even though I have experienced other crisis in life, Jesus keeps showing me His grace when I fail. I’m fascinated by His personality and by His love. He is my reason for hope and joy, and I could not imagine living without Him.

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The Crossroads of Science and Faith: Astronomy Through a Christian Worldview
A Scientifically Rigorous Approach to Astronomy and Apologetics for Science and Faith Discussions
Co-authored by Gladys Kober, Susan Benecchi, Paula Gossard, and Ashley Zauderer-Vanderley
Astronomy textbook - www.GlimpseofHisSplendor.com
Peer Award 2005 at GSFC/NASA
List of publications in peer reviewed journals available upon request


Observatorio Nacional RJ - Brazil - 1993