George Luke
about the teacher
George lives in Moscow, Idaho. He's a Christian with three first names, one wife, one national identity as a first generation American, two immigrant parents from India, and two kids (so far).
George has been a teacher, a writer, a taxonomist (not taxidermist), a programmer, and a property manager. In many ways, he never left school, even while taking on different jobs through college and since. He's presently a student at Greyfriars Hall, a training program for pastors out of Christ Church in Moscow, ID.
George married Joelle in 2019. They have two children, Devorah and Samson. Devorah is a beautiful picture of generous wisdom, and Samson boldly launches himself where no one year old has gone before- the edge between the couch and the wall of our apartment.
George was baptized into an Anglican Church as a baby, grew up in nondenominational settings, and was faithfully prayed for and raised in the faith to know the 10 Commandments and Gospel by his loving mom, Alice, who raised her boys to sing hymns, confess their sins, and live for God's glory. George grew in his knowledge of the Gospel via C.S. Lewis in high school, Lee Strobel, David Platt, John Piper, and Doug Wilson, and went on a journey that he's still on in growing to take up his cross and follow the Lord Jesus wherever he leads.
Today George and his family are Presbyterian and are members of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. In his spare time, George loves plodding through books on the Doctrine of God's Word, talking with his wife about The Godfather and whether movies had cinematic styles that made sense, snuggling and talking with his daughter, and throwing his son in the air.
Teaching Philosophy
Teaching pedagogy beings with anthropology. And anthropology, or our understanding of what it means to be human, begins with our understanding of God. God is the Triune Creator, who made us not to complete himself, but to share himself and display his glory to and through us. God unfolds his triune life to us in the drama of creation, and redemption, and shows the depth of his wisdom in the apex of mercy through Christ and his crucifixion. If we examine cultures, we find this idea of a divine man laying down his life for his friends to raise his friends up to divinity, and to atone for some kind of displeasure they caused the divine court, a recurring theme. Whether we're talking about Odysseus and his journey home, Achilles and Hector and their respective desires to serve their countries, Aeneas and his pietas with his father, or Frodo, Gandalf, Aragorn and the struggle to not become the evil they wish to destroy- wisdom in God's world shines through all that's good, beautiful, and true. This means, as a Christian, we not only have the special revelation of God's Word to teach us how to be human and imitate Christ, but we have patterns that, for those born again, are available in combination with special revelation to show us more of Christ, and make us more and more like God.
My classes are Christ-exalting and Christ-dependent, and classical (built off the foundation Doug Wilson and Dorothy Sayers gave us, and acknowledging the goodness of revisions made by Jain and Litteljohn). I want you to taste and see the Big God of Scripture, and the Christocentric and Christotelic reality you inhabit. But, I also want you to really interact with the authors and their arguments. To love your enemy, you have to recognize you're a lot more like him than you'd care to admit- you have to start with evaluating how his loves are similar for your loves for yourself. But you do this as a compassionate soldier of Christ, and not a ball of mush losing yourself in the author who's invited you to chat and consider his perspective.
Statement of Faith
I agree with the rule of faith as articulated in the Apostles Creed, the Triune God of the Nicene Creed, and the Christ defined by Chalcedon. I lean to the American Westminster standards' articulation, and submit to the elders of Christ Church, in Moscow, ID.