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Dr. Garrett League

Dr. Garrett League

about the teacher


Garrett League obtained his doctorate in biology from Vanderbilt and conducted postdoctoral research at Cornell, where he helped teach and or design a number of courses. His research has focused on entomology (the study of insects) and infectious diseases. He has been a member of the Entomological Society of America, the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, the American Society of Parasitologists, and Sigma Xi.

Garrett also earned degrees in biology from Baylor, where he studied developmental genetics, and Texas Christian, where he studied biology, art, and art history.

In addition to science and art, Garrett has a lifelong love for the Bible, as well as an admiration for Renaissance men like Johannes Kepler whose deep faith and broad expertise seamlessly bridged the sciences and the humanities.

You can find his writings, including his personal newsletter Pen & Spear, at the League of Believers (garrettpleague.substack.com), an online ministry dedicated to repentance and renewal in the American Church.

Born and raised in Southern California, he and his wife now homeschool their three young children outside of Fort Worth, Texas.

Teaching Philosophy

To adapt a famous line attributed to Thomas Edison, "Teaching is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." …

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Peer-Reviewed Scientific Publications
The complete PubMed archive list of my current scientific research articles.
Science and Faith
Student Questions Explored
This book investigates the relationship between science and Christianity in a series of thoughtful and accessible articles written by experts.


Ph.D., Biology
Vanderbilt University - 2017
M.S., Biology
Baylor University - 2011
B.S., Biology (Art minor)
Texas Christian University - 2009