Dr. Christy Anne Vaughan
about the teacher
Dr. Christy Anne Vaughan holds an Ed.D. from Liberty University in Educational Leadership. Her doctoral dissertation, published in February of 2020 through the Journal of Research on Christian Education, is titled: DIFFERENCES OF MEAN SCORES ON THE PRELIMINARY SCHOLASTIC APTITUDE TEST (PSAT) FOR CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS COMPARED TO NON-CLASSICAL CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS. She holds an M.A. Ed. with a concentration in special education from Georgetown College and a B.A. from the University of Baltimore in English, concentration in business and professional writing. She recently completed a 40-hour certificate in Orton-Gillingham method literacy instruction. Dr. Vaughan serves as Secretary and Educational Consultant for Classical Christian Education International, Inc. (www.2CEI.ORG); tutor for students with special needs and private instructor for Schole Academy, Classical Academic Press, and homeschools two of her grandchildren in Ohio.
Teaching Philosophy
The Classical Christian method encompasses the seven liberal arts of grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music; liberal from the Latin liber meaning “free” meaning the virtuous, wise and self-controlled man is free toward self- governance. As the Apostle Paul stated in Galatians 5:23, against such there is no law. Our founding Fathers understood this, as John Jay, First Supreme Court Justice, stated, our system of liberty and self-governance was designed for a Christian nation with elected Christian rulers. Or as John Adams, second President of the U.S. stated, our system of liberty and self-governance with the Bible as its basis would be wholly unsuitable for any group other than a virtuous, Christian people. And to that end, a couple of working definitions: The Christian educator believes we are called to teach Truth, Goodness (Godliness), and Beauty. Teaching is a calling to parents first and the church (Ephesians 6:4 and Deuteronomy 6:4-7). Teaching as a profession is a calling (Ephesians 4:11-16). There is Truth and God’s Word reveals it (John 17:17). Virtue is to be co-taught with knowledge (2 Peter 1:5-8). We are commanded to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). The Classical educator teaches a man to fish by providing the tools of learning and inculcating the joy of learning.
The Classical Christian educator accomplishes both--molding the heart toward God and inculcating discernment of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty through tried and true methods of teaching.
If we are to recover our nation’s moral compass, we must reignite educational excellence through a rediscovery of the centrality of Truth. There is Truth and we are called to teach it to the next generation (Deuteronomy 6 and Ephesians 6).
Statement of Faith
I was baptized in public testimony of my accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord of my life in a Southern Baptist Church. I have been discipled by the local church, Koinonia House, and Liberty University Bible studies. My husband and I are missionaries through Ministers of Victory (Port Saint Lucie, Florida) and currently serve through Classical Christian Education International, Inc. We attend the Glen Este Baptist Church in Ohio as well as maintaining membership and distance learning/Bible conferences through Kurt Owen Ministries. My medical expense sharing program, which also is a mission to others, is through Samaritan Ministries.