Annie Nardone
about the teacher
I am a C.S. Lewis Institute Fellow with a Master of Arts degree in Cultural Apologetics from Houston Christian University. My authorship includes contributing and editing for the apologetics quarterly "An Unexpected Journal"; the online magazine "Cultivating" from Cultivating Oaks Press, Anselm Society, and several poetry anthologies including Calla Press and Poetica. My Facebook site Literary Life Book of the Month feature reviews on classical and recent books with a focus on the enduring beauty and truth found in literature and the arts. After traveling to Oxford for the C.S. Lewis Summer Institute, I was asked to write a monthly travel blog for Clarendon Press. I wrote a historic cookbook for The Mystery of History and Bright Ideas Press, as well as contributed to the books Wild Things and Castles in the Sky-A Guide to Choosing the Best Books for Children and The Lost Tales of Galahad through Rabbit Room Press.
Teaching Philosophy
My academic passion focuses on the significance and reintegration of the arts and humanities with theology and the Christian imagination. We find rich insights in the writings of the church fathers and in ancient and medieval books, and I believe these beautiful texts are an essential element …