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Bruce Etter || The Alyosha Society

Bruce Etter || The Alyosha Society

about the teacher

In his magnum opus, The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky introduces the reader to several characters whose words and actions represent particular worldviews. Ivan wrestles with atheism, as he cannot fathom that there could be a good God in light of such evil in the world. Dmitri struggles with hedonism as he seeks to bridle his passions. Their younger brother, Alyosha, carefully considers the teachings of his mentor, Father Zosima, and chooses the road less traveled, the road of faith and incarnation.

The Alyosha Society is a group of curious bibliophiles who seek to hear the counsel of the many Zosimas of the past. Our goal is to consider what the great minds have pondered through the art of literature and philosophy and discuss how we might be faithful disciples of the true and living God.

Founder and Teachers

Bruce Etter

Born in 1969 in West Virginia, I graduated high school in 1987 and studied Spanish and Bible during my undergraduate years. I graduated from Columbia International University in 1992 and married Julie in 1993. We have five children, adopted and biological. I have enjoyed teaching in Christian schools since 1992 and have served as both teacher and administrator in six different schools. While teaching in the 90's I completed a Master's Degree in Religion at Reformed Theological Seminary.

Ever since I found out about classical education (late 1990's) I have been wholeheartedly dedicated to it. We moved to Pennsylvania in 2004 in order to be involved with Veritas Academy. I taught Spanish and Omnibus courses there for four years before embarking upon my journey in online education.

I have had the privilege of teaching in both traditional (brick and mortar) settings and online schools. I also enjoyed trekking across Europe, recording self-paced courses, filming lessons on the locations where key events occurred. I currently serve in administration at Veritas Academy, Leola, PA and teach online courses through the organization I started in 2021, The Alyosha Society. I currently serve as an elder at Wheatland Presbyterian Church, P.C.A. and teach in the adult Sunday School. I spend all of my free time with my grandson, Eden.

Teaching Philosophy

I am dedicated to the classical model as it is explained in the following books, The Liberal Arts Tradition and Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning. In terms of practical instruction, my favorite work is John Milton Gregory's The Seven Laws of Teaching.

Statement of Faith

I currently serve as an elder at Wheatland Presbyterian Church, PCA. I hold to the historic creeds, (Apostle's Creed and Nicene Creed) and the Westminster Confession of Faith.

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Pages of History, Volume 1, Veritas Press
Pages of History, Volume 2, Veritas Press
Essays in all six Omnibus textbooks, Veritas Press


Columbia International University - 1992
Reformed Theological Seminary -