Dr. Aaron Hebbard
about the teacher
Aaron Hebbard grew up in a Christian home and grew into Christ from an early age. At age 18 as a senior in high school, “Heb” felt the call into the ministry of the Word, which was refined in college to be carried out in the academic arena. After completing his doctorate and in the midst of his collegiate teaching, Heb’s call to the ministry of the Word was expanded to the Church as well as academia.
Heb taught in Christian secondary education for 10 years since 1993, and Christian higher education since 2001 as Professor of Theology and the Arts. He earned his Bachelor's and Master's Degrees from Vanguard University in Biblical Studies in 1992 and 1996. In 2005 Heb earned his Doctorate (Ph.D.) from the University of Glasgow in the field of Literature, Theology and the Arts. As a theological interdisciplinarian, Heb has a passion for taking all thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ across the academic disciplines. He has founded Imago Dei College as a dual enrollment and gap year program that disciples students in a robust biblical worldview, while giving transferable college credit. Heb has also planted two churches: Covenant Church in 2016 and Remnant Church in 2020, both with the passion to witness and foster a biblical reformation of family, church and culture.
Heb and his lovely wife Nicole have been married since 1991 and together they have six children—three boys and three girls—all of whose names are reflections of significant biblical themes. Added to our blessings are married-in sons and daughter as well as five grandchildren.
Teaching Philosophy
Education is one in the same with a comprehensive discipleship model devoted to taking all thoughts captive to the obedience to Christ. We can know nothing apart from the gracious revelations of God, who reveals knowledge, understanding and wisdom that we might come to know Him and make Him known all the better. Through true knowledge we can fulfill the great commands that the Lord has assigned to us, such as loving Him with our whole hearts, souls, mind, and strengths; loving our neighbors as ourselves; and teaching/discipling the nations to obey the teachings of Christ. The biblical progression of education takes into the account the drama of redemption. The first stage in our philosophy of education states that man is made in the image of God and therefore, has the innate ability to comprehend the things that the Lord reveals and intends us to know. This drives us to think clearly and creatively about the world in which we are placed that we might reflect His dominion. But with the introduction of sin in Adam, we are all infected to the degree that comprehending and apprehending the knowledge of the Lord is now far more arduous of a task. The only solution is to have our minds renewed by the Spirit into the true image of God, Jesus Christ Himself, which brings us to the next stage of education, that we are to be restored in our image of Christ and to come to the realization that the fear of the Lord is the foundation of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The third stage of our educational discipleship is the recognition and commitment to lifelong sanctification; a constant effort to renew the mind while resisting conformity to the thinking patterns of the world. Lastly, we come to rejoice in the fact that one day we will be glorified in our thinking and unhampered by the presence of sin that we might spend eternity learning of the glories of the Lord unimpeded by sinful nature or the fear of death.
Statement of Faith
As Jude has ordered us to contend for the faith once delivered to all the saints, I gladly take up this charge, but the question arises, what is the definition of this faith here mentioned. I affirm the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian Definition, the Athanasian Creed, and without being exclusive to other confessions and statements of faith worth consulting, fundamentally hold to the Westminster Confession of Faith. I currently pastor Remnant Church in Southern California.