Family Handbook
Student Responsibilities and Expectations
Students should submit all assignments on time in the time zone and manner prescribed by the teacher. Kepler’s academic schedule is based on Pacific Standard Time.
Students are expected to view the posted recordings of missed classes in a timely manner.
Students are responsible for obtaining any notes or assignments from any class from another student or classroom bulletin board maintained by the teacher.
All written assignments and quizzes will receive a grade by the teacher. Students will also take at least two exams--one at the end of the first and second semesters. A teacher may choose to assess more frequently, however. Progress reports will be posted on the Kepler platform by the end of each quarter.
For all written assignments, students will be expected to adhere to their teacher’s prescribed style guide or format. Parents should ensure their child adheres to the teacher’s preferred format. In most cases, this will be the Turabian/Chicago style.
Student should possess a sufficient mastery of reading and writing skills commensurate with the level of class in which they are enrolling. Parent expressly affirm their acknowledgement of their child’s reading and writing abilities when they enroll their child in the class.
Students and parents of students can expect that their teachers do, in fact, affirm the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds as a minimum statement of faith in addition to their particular creed or denomination stated in their teacher’s profile. Further, all Kepler teachers affirm:
marriage is defined by a union of a man and a woman.
gender is not a social construct but is determined biologically.
abortion as a means of birth control is murder.
Students should practice standards of classroom etiquette and behavior commensurate with the following Christian ethics:
Biblical ethics will be followed at all times.
Talking and/or messaging will not be permitted during class except:
When the teacher asks for a response.
When it can be inferred that it is permitted by the Teacher.
When it is germane to the topic being discussed in class.
When students speak in class, they are expected to be clear, polite, interesting, and to the point. In a Socratic discussion, it is to be expected students may disagree with the teacher (whose job it is to play provocateur) or with one another. In such cases, students are expected to argue forcefully, rationally, and respectfully. Students are expected to avoid ad hominem in all cases.
Background noise, music, or siblings causing a distraction should be avoided.
Students, parents, or auditors may not share classroom links with anyone not enrolled in the course without express written permission from Kepler.
Students are expected to have a basic working knowledge of the necessary technology required for online learning, namely the use of a computer, webcam and microphone. Students must be willing to use both their webcam and microphone during class.
By registering for any class through Kepler, parents and students affirm that they have read and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
Parent Responsibilities and Expectations
Parents register for courses for their students by using Kepler’s online registration platform.
Parents are expected to supply the student with the necessary technology, required books, and all other required materials necessary for the courses in which they are enrolled before the first week of school begins.
The necessary technology parents are expected to supply for the student includes his/her own computer, headset, microphone, webcam, and high-speed internet connection. Kepler assumes no responsibility for the technology used by students.
Parents are expected to pay all tuition and fees on time as agreed. In cases where financial obligations cannot be met, parents are expected to inform the financial office and arrange for a suitable payment arrangement.
Deposits, Refunds, and Transfers: see refund policy.
Student enrolling after registration has closed is considered a late enrollee and must acquire teacher approval.
Parents are responsible to keep an updated email account for communication with teachers and with Kepler. It will be expected that parents will respond to a teacher’s communication within 24 hours from receipt but no more than 48 hours from the time it was sent by the teacher.
If a family has more than one student enrolled in the same class, each student will be expected to have his or her own computer and related technology. In some cases, teachers may allow students to share a screen if it does not have adverse effects on the learning environment or on others in the class.
Student Discipline Policy
Purpose & Philosophy—Kepler Education is committed to fostering a respectful, disciplined, and academically rigorous environment rooted in Christian principles. Discipline at Kepler is not punitive but formative, designed to cultivate virtue, personal responsibility, and a love of learning in students. Parents, students, and instructors partner together to uphold standards of conduct that reflect these values.
Student Conduct Expectations—In accordance with Student Responsibilities and Expectations (above), students enrolled in Kepler Education courses are expected to:
Respect Authority – Honor and obey instructors, moderators, and Kepler administration.
Respect Peers – Engage in discussions charitably and avoid disruptive behavior.
Uphold Academic Integrity – Submit original work, properly cite sources, and avoid plagiarism or cheating.
Demonstrate Christian Virtues – Exhibit kindness, patience, diligence, and self-control in all interactions.
Use Technology Appropriately – Engage in online courses responsibly, refraining from distractions, inappropriate content, or cyberbullying.
Discipline Procedures—Kepler Education follows a tiered system of discipline, ensuring clear expectations and due process for students and parents.
Informal Warnings (Tier 1)—For minor infractions such as tardiness, minor disruptions, or occasional lack of preparedness, instructors may:
Provide verbal or written warnings.
Issue a reminder of class expectations.
Formal Warnings (Tier 2)—For repeated minor infractions or more serious conduct violations (e.g., disrespect, inappropriate behavior in class, mild academic dishonesty), instructors will:
Notify parents via email.
Report the incident to the registrar to be recorded in the student’s file.
Assign appropriate corrective action, such as a written apology or a written assignment (e.g., on the importance of respect).
Disciplinary Review (Tier 3)—For significant infractions (e.g., severe disrespect, repeated academic dishonesty, cyberbullying, or disrupting class to the detriment of others), the teacher will:
Convene a meeting with the student, parents, and the academic dean.
Create a written improvement plan to be shared with the parents, dean, and registrar.
Expulsion (Tier 4)—For extreme cases (e.g., egregious academic dishonesty, harassment, severe disruption, or refusal to comply with corrective measures), Kepler reserves the right to:
Remove the student from the course(s) without refund.
Bar the student from future enrollment if necessary.
Report the violation to relevant academic organizations if academic integrity is compromised.
Appeals Process—Parents or students who believe a disciplinary action is unfair may submit a written appeal to Kepler administration within seven days of receiving the decision. Appeals will be reviewed by the appeals committee (i.e., president, academic dean, student’s instructor), whose ruling will be final.
Parent Responsibilities—Parents play a crucial role in reinforcing discipline and should:
Support Kepler’s conduct expectations and work with instructors to resolve issues.
Monitor student behavior in online environments.
Encourage respectful communication and accountability at home.
Conclusion—Discipline at Kepler Education is designed to be redemptive, fair, and consistent with Christian principles. Our goal is not to replace the parent in their role of correcting misbehavior but to assist them in their parental objectives by maintaining integrity, decorum, and order within Kepler’s platform and helping form students into virtuous and responsible learners who thrive in an academic and spiritual community.