K kepler-title

Lingua Latina III

Join me for an active study of the Latin language, using the both spoken Latin and written texts, as we journey deeper into Latin through chapters 24-34 of Orberg's Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata.
Section A:
08/19/2025 - 05/08/2026
Full Year
1.00 credits in Languages
Grades 10-12

Taught by:

About the course

Latin III is for those who want to continue an active study of the Latin language using Lingua Latina per se Illustrata by Hans Orberg. It takes the students through chapters 24-34 of Orberg's classic text. Latin I & II (chapters 1-23) are prerequisites.

The ultimate goal for my students is to attain command of the language so that they may read and understand Roman and other Latin authors in their own language. Although that goal takes several years to reach, it is more readily attained in the end when the curriculum and pedagogy all along designed with than end always in view. Hence this course is taught mostly in Latin, with students always learning the meaning of words and phrases in context. The repeated exposure to essential vocabulary and grammatical forms through a written narrative and oral instruction are complemented by an active use of the language which develops the student's skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Vocabulary and grammar are always studied in context and are taught in a systematic sequence using the direct method of instruction.

About the teacher

Jeremy Wagner Jeremy Wagner has been a full time classroom teacher since 2010. He completed the CiRCE Apprenticeship for classical educators in 2017 and finished the Tirocinium Latinum, CiRCE’s three-year Latin program, in 2022.