Fundamentals of Introductory Logic
About the course
Logic is defined as the art and science of reasoning well. Proper reasoning is a fundamental weapon that allows you to analyze statements, communicate persuasively, and form effective arguments. When learned well, Logic should be the bones that give your clenched fist its structure.
In this course, students will learn the basics of Logic. We will learn how to define and categorize terms, how to analyze statements and their relationships with one another, how to form effective arguments and determine validity, how to analyze arguments in normal English, and how to identify and avoid every-day fallacies.
The class meets once a week on Tuesdays at 9:00 -10:30 am PT and from 11:00 - 12:30 am PT. We will meet a total of eight times, beginning this Tuesday, March 31st, and continuing until May 19th. The students will receive a relaxed amount of homework that they will be expected to complete between classes.
- Students are not required to purchase any materials for the course.