K kepler-title

Major Philosophers and Issues

This class is currently archived, but if you're interested in it being taught again, you can express your interest here!
01/17/2022 - 05/13/2022
Spring Semester
3.00 credits in Humanities & Electives
Grade 12

Taught by:

About the course

This course introduces and acquaints the student with the field of philosophy in general. It is an introduction to the main ideas, methods and problems of philosophy, and to the significant figures and movements in the Western philosophical tradition.

This course is part of a dual enrollment program with Colorado Christian University. Students taking this course will potentially follow a modified academic calendar, and will also need to register with CCU (When registering, identify the courses being taught by Imago Dei Academy, and select those)

Students willing to accommodate a more rigorous academic schedule can receive a considerable discount on package courses. Schedule a free consultation with Kepler’s Academic Advisor for more details.

Course Objectives

Major Philosophers and Issues is designed to:

  1. Acquaint students with some of the important figures and movements in the history of Western Philosophy.
  2. Challenge students with some of the important concerns of philosophy.
  3. Assist the student in developing the ability to read and think competently about complex, abstract material.
  4. Impart to students some sense of the drama of ideas unfolding within Western thought.
  5. To equip the student with the tools necessary to develop a distinctly Christian worldview.


  • Nash, Ronald. Life’s Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1999. (also available as e-book)
  • Naugle, David. Philosophy: A Student’s Guide. Wheaton, Il: Crossway, 2012. (also available as e-book)

About the teacher

Dr. Aaron Hebbard Aaron Hebbard has been involved in Christian education since 1993. He founded Imago Dei College as a dual enrollment and gap year program, and he has also planted two churches. He and his wife have six children and five grandchildren.