Old Testament
About the course
This course introduces the student to the Old Testament in general. The Old Testament is a literary product of particular times and conditions, which will be studied, and will hopefully lead to a better understanding of applying its words for today. Topics to be explored include interpretation and inspiration theory, Creation, Fall and Redemption, the Patriarchs, Mosaic leadership, the period of the judges, united monarchy of Israel, divided monarchy of Israel and Judah, the Assyrian and Babylonian exiles, the Prophets, and Hebraic poetry.
This course is part of a dual enrollment program with Colorado Christian University. Students taking this course will potentially follow a modified academic calendar, and will also need to register with CCU (When registering, identify the courses being taught by Imago Dei Academy, and select those)
Students willing to accommodate a more rigorous academic schedule can receive a considerable discount on package courses. Schedule a free consultation with Kepler’s Academic Advisor for more details.
Course Objectives
Old Testament is designed to:
- Differentiate the literary and historical backgrounds of every Old Testament book.
- Explain the socio-economic and political background of the world of the Old Testament.
- Characterize the predominant figures in the history of Israel and Judah.
- Pinpoint the geographical sites of the ancient Near East.
- Acquire and employ the basic tools necessary for clearer interpretation.
- Modern Translation Study Bible: (get approval before purchase)
- Dust to Glory Study Guide: https://www.ligonier.org/store/dust-to-glory-old-testament.