Physics with Video Labs
About the course
NOTE: This course has been approved for Dual Enrollment Credit through Kepler's Partnership with Colorado Christian University's - Dual Credit Program | CCU Academy. See details below!
Saxon Physics with DIVE Video Labs is a classical, Christian approach to the liberal arts of mathematics and physical science. This course uses 1) the student textbook and video lectures for didactic instruction and diligent development of intellectual skills and habits, 2) video labs for practice with the scientific method and an introduction to physics lab equipment normally cost-prohibitive for home use, and 3) class time for classical recitations, questions, and discussions. Incidentally, “DIVE + Saxon Physics teaches all the topics normally found in an AP Physics 1 and 2 level course as well as about 70% of the topics found on the calculus based AP Physics C exams” (Dr. Shormann). This 32-week, 1.0 credit course consists of two sixteen-week semesters. Each semester students will be assigned assignments and will attend live recitations as an active participant.
Prerequisites: Precalculus or Saxon Advanced Math (completed or currently taking)
Course Objectives:
- To look at physics from a classical, Christian viewpoint.
- To cover 80% or more of “the topics normally presented in the first two semesters of an engineering physics course” (Saxon ix).
- To practice the scientific method and provide a virtual laboratory experience.
- To move beyond the grammar of the Saxon Physics text into the dialectic and rhetoric.
- Within the rigor of the materials and calendar, contemplate the truth, beauty, and goodness via labs and actively participate in physics discussions.
- To study physics to improve fluency in mathematics and science.
- Saxon Physics 1st Edition Student Text (Required) ISBN: 978-1-56577-005-8
- Saxon Physics Consumable Tests (Required) ISBN: 978-1-56-577085-0
- Saxon Physics Solutions Manual* (Required) ISBN: 978-1-56-577007-2
- DIVE Saxon Physics with Video Lab Streaming or CD-ROM (Required)
- DIVE Physics Laboratory Workbook (Required) A digital version is included free in the above streaming or CD-ROM. Optional hard copies can also be purchased.
*Problem Sets will not be submitted as assignments and will be used at home to prepare for class and practice fluency. Students or parents should have access to the Solutions Manual as it shows the step-by-step solutions for each problem, whereas the Answer Key only provides the final answer.
- Calculator: scientific or graphing
- Rules notebook: recommend 5x7” (not smaller than 4x5.5”)
- Paper for notes: recommend printer paper
In the 32 weeks, the students will attend to the lessons, quizzes, exams, and labs, plus actively participate in recitations and discussions. All assignments are due before the start of class. Any late assignments will automatically accrue a 10% penalty per day late. In case of an emergency, a student should request an extension prior to a due date with final discretion left to the teacher. Based on 120-180 hours of student work per academic calendar year per credit and "designed as a high school honors course," students and parents should plan for 120-180 hours of work. Adequately blocked time is necessary to diligently develop skills and habits and avoid the “cram, test, dump” mentality. Consider blocking 1.5-2 hours per day for margins around a focused 1-1.5 hours of study four days a week, plus the weekly class.
The final grade is determined on the following basis:
- Attendance: Punctuality, Preparation, and Participation
- 25 Tests
- 4 Exams
- Laboratory Workbook
Attendance is a vital part of this course; therefore, students must attend class sessions and actively participate in discussions. Unless stated otherwise, students are expected to have completed the assignments before coming to class. Although the recitations will be recorded, a student cannot participate while watching a recording.
Punctuality, Preparation, and Participation:
Punctuality, preparation, and participation are paramount in this course and are part of responsibility as one grows from childhood to adulthood. Planned or emergency absences should be communicated to the teacher, the earlier the better. Punctuality, preparation for class presentations and discussions, and meaningful and relevant participation will be assessed at teacher’s discretion.
General Information for the Virtual Classroom:
- Stable internet connection
- Working webcam, headset, and microphone
- Ability to convert written work into clear, readable portable document format (pdf)
Colorado Christian University's - Dual Credit Program | CCU Academy. This dual-credit course costs $200 and must be completed with a grade of C- or higher to be considered for college transfer credit. Physics with Labs (PHY 210 plus PHY 212) is a 5-credit course. (NOTE: The $200 is for both PHY 210 and PHY 212 courses, not per credit!)
Course Files
About the teacher